The terrific New York City jazz trio (writes Erasmus, who's not necessarily all that hot on either New York or jazz) Dave's True Story has released a new album, Nature, which will be in stores on April 19. However, lucky you, you live in the digital age and can download it from the iTunes Music Store this very second, all for the low, low price of U.S. $9.99. Buy it from Amazon here.
Dave's True Story is a terrific combo that's most characterized by the witty, often off-color lyrics of guitarist Dave Cantor and the astonishingly beautiful and varied vocal stylings of Kelly Flint, who can go from bell-like and pure to smoldering and sexy in the wink of an eye. Jeff Eyrich plays upright bass very nicely to round out the sound.
If you wish to check out their back catalog, Erasmus recommends picking up Sex Without Bodies, the self-titled album, the Christmas stuff, and then Unauthorized.
Erasmus knows the cool kids are big DTS fans. TT raved about them in the NYT in MMI. And OGIC? well, I suspect Dave knows OGIC and penned "I'll Never Read Trollope Again" for her. Read above and decide. (But really, get the record and listen to Kelly sing this. It's gorgeous and even funnier.)
If American popular culture were more adult, Dave's True Story would be exceedingly rich and famous by now. Perhaps we have our immaturity to thank for their not touring in white sequined jumpsuits. Still, show that you dig, man, and pick up the album. You will thank Erasmus. (Or don't. Erasmus doesn't care so much. Just get the album. Now. Go! Buy!)
DTS, ave, ave!